Who We are

Auricchio & Sons:
Nature in its own habitat
Auricchio & Sons is an Apulian company with years of tradition in the floricultural sector. It has spaces distributed halfway between land and sea. This peculiarity has allowed the company to guarantee customers a high-level production, consisting of plants and flowers as vigorous as in nature. Starting from the rooting area where it’s possible to witness the first, exemplary meeting between tradition and innovation and passing through the open field, the green heart of the company where the plants are planted, receiving enough sun and water. Not only. The company has also implemented corporate structures with state-of-the-art greenhouse systems, capable not only of guaranteeing the quality of the plant, but also of recreating the cultivation conditions suitable for each variety.
The most innovative cultivation research, applied in unison with the traditionally most effective techniques, have allowed the company to guarantee the best offers to be offered to customers throughout the country and abroad, assisted by a helpful and attentive sales staff.

The origins
The generational experience combined with the organizational sense were necessary ingredients for the success of the Auricchio & Sons company, which has been putting its values at the service of customers since the early eighties. Over the course of three decades, the Auricchio brothers, strengthened by a growing market consensus, have been able to wisely expand the company staff. Currently their business activity has become a fundamental piece in the Terlizzese floricultural tradition. Nothing would have been possible without two essential forces: the inventiveness of a young staff and the generational experience of the founding members. Family and professionalism have found fertile ground here, working virtuously in unison. This is the true energy of Auricchio & Sons reality.

A research in continuous evolution
Attention to the production phases, guarantee of delivery within the agreed times, high quality of the products and an attentive after-sales service, are essential prerogatives and objectives always in sight. The company can now boast growing success in national vivaism, thanks to years of experience and experimentation in close contact with greenery and customer needs, which have helped to ensure an increasingly rich and well-stocked range of products.

In recent years, the company has also invested in the search for more sustainable production methods, to ensure a vigorous product with an impact closer to zero. Every year the company lends itself to follow the increasingly strict Global Gap and Grasp regulations to which the company adheres.
Terlizzi, a thriving inheritance
The pedoclimatic context of Auricchio & Sons plants is Terlizzi, a market square with very ancient origins.
As early as the seventeenth century, the travelers of the Mediterranean went to this town located a few meters from the sea to “beat the price” of the goods that arrived or had to leave. Duke De Gemmis later made it one of the first and most important floricultural centers in Italy, thanks to his inexhaustible love for agriculture. Even today, the country’s economy owes a lot to its origins and Terlizzi, with its proud turnover, can be said to be one of the most important flower centers in Italy.

Strada provinciale 56 Molfetta-Ruvo km 9
70038 Terlizzi (BA)